Thursday 27 April 2017

Week 3

36 Textures (light to dark)

Two "axonometric 3" parts used to make light rail stop chairs

Lumion Renders:

The use of a wide ramp helps increase the flow of movement, as the large amount of traffic might cause congestion when travelling across into the station.

Material Selections:

A light, checkered material that gives an essence of transparency or perforation is used for the frame of the light rail stop, giving a sensation of speed and buoyancy.

The curving and flowing pattern is used in the foyer of to accentuate the movement and direction of pedestrians. 

The large, contrasting shapes separated by intertwining forms represent steel and concrete, a common material used by Toyo Ito and is applied to the base of the structure. 

Dropbox link to lumion folder:

3d model:

Week 2

Parallel Projections

Initial Model

Removed second station to better reflect reality

Concept plan to be developed further:

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Week 1 - Concept

5 concepts: 
Wall thickness, colour, scale and solar dynamic are focused in his design.
Spaces built with a subtle metaphor immersed around the meaning of life.
'I always used low forms and permanently worked with right angles.'
Toyo Ito
The surface, as the element of design, itself is the material, face and structure all at once.
'Architecture tends to be too conventional and is often out of touch with time and social context, we must be sensitive to the air of the era and society.'
The shapes are developed, transformed and metamorphosed through the dialogues and interactions with people who are involved in the projects.

Fourth Pair of Axonometrics rendered: